Boundless is proud to help provide support services for Franklin County families. What are family support services?
The State of Ohio provides family support services for Franklin County families who have chosen to keep their family member with complex needs associated with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and behavioral health challenges at home. Funding is available on a limited basis through Boundless for a variety of services and equipment.

How can I access family support services through Boundless?
Guardians of family members with complex needs associated with I/DD and behavioral health challenges who live full-time in the home may be eligible to apply for family support services by completing a Family Support Services application. Boundless reviews all applications and sends them to the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities for approval. After notification of approval, guardians can contract Boundless to review how to acquire funds and services.
How do I request funding after approval?
- Complete the funding application form.
- Guardians need to apply each quarter in order to receive quarterly funds.
- Guardians should monitor our calendar for more information regarding important deadlines and dates
What services are available?
- adaptive equipment
- private providers
- special diets
- home modifications
- counseling
- training
- education