Thank You to Boundless Staff Veterans!
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Thank a Veteran If You Know Them
From 1977 to 2014, we have a wide range of veterans from the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force who now work for Boundless. Take a moment to read about their experiences and remember to thank a veteran on Monday.
Veronica Boocher
Boundless Program: Center-Based Liberty Center
Branch of Service: Marines
When: 2008 to 2013
Your Job during Service: Military Police Officer
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
The comradery.
Do you have a favorite story from your time in the military?
Defensive driving night course. I was the only female surrounded by maybe sixty other men who swore that they drove better than women. Everyone was given two chances, but I only needed one. I scared the snot out of my Staff NCO (supervisor) but they were also the only one who was told that I don't need practice and was near perfect. I drove that squad car like it was a race car around obstacles. I was told, "Let's see how well you do driving a Humvee," and I once again nailed it. I was always requested to drive to scenes of accidents or other emergencies because of this. I earned a lot of the males' respects that day. Good times.
Shawn Castle
Boundless Department: Information Security
Branch of Service: Air Force
When: 2010 to 2014
Your Job during Service: RF Transmissions/Satcom
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
The people that I met.
Kristin Hampton-Harmon
Boundless Department: Advancement & Communications
Branch of Service: Army
When: 1989 to 1999
Your Job during Service: Photojournalist when enlisted then Quartermaster officer
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
The comradery with other soldiers. We were a tight group. Pushing myself beyond what I thought I could physically do.
Do you have a favorite story from your time in the military?
I loved traveling to different countries and seeing how they lived. When stationed in Germany they had shopping days where we got off work at like 2pm because most stores were closed in the evenings and weekends. Back then there were no 24-hour stores there.
Tom Patterson
Boundless Department: Facilities/Transportation
Branch of Service: Marines
When: 1977 to 1997
Your Job during Service: Gunnery Sergeant, Motor Transport Maintenance Chief, Recruiter and Formal Schools Instructor
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
The traveling and adventures.
Do you have a favorite story from your time in the military?
I loved it all.
Evelyn Bailey-Tuttle
Boundless Department: Quality Assurance
Branch of Service: Air Force
When: 1982 to 1985
Your Job during Service: Procurement Specialist
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
Learning the importance of teamwork.
Do you have a favorite story from your time in the military?
While serving in Lubbock, TX, I became part of the base Color Guard detail. The Color Guard provided 'Posting of the Colors' at Texas Tech athletic events, parades, community events and base events. I will never forget the feelings I experienced during my first funeral service. Proving funeral services for WWI and WWII veterans was an honor.
Bill Roberts
Boundless Program: Facilities Maintenance
Branch of Service: Navy
When: 1983 to 1987
Your Job during Service: Gas Turbine Mechanic
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
Christina Cain
Boundless Department: Training Department
Branch of Service: Army
When: 1990 to 1994
Your Job during Service: 95B - Military Police, Specialized in the Capture and Interrogation of POW's
What was your favorite part of being in the Armed Forces?
The camaraderie, nothing compares to it.
Do you have a favorite story from your time in the military?
During basic training, another soldier quietly told me to go into the bathroom of our barracks while we were being punished with workouts, known as "smoked." I found one of the squad leaders sitting in the mop closet with a pizza! I have no idea how she managed to get that pizza onto this part of the base, past the drill sergeants and into the mop closet, but I just ate my piece and moved on. It was the best day of basic training ever! Too easy, Drill Sergeant! Hua!