Take Your Child to the Library Day
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Library Programs Creating Sensory Story Times
Libraries have always been at the core of communities providing resources, safe spaces, technology access, opportunities for connection and shelves and shelves of knowledge. For our families it’s important that they can participate in community events safely with access to any accommodations they need. We’re excited to see libraries across Ohio start hosting regular sensory-friendly programs and working towards having more sensory spaces available.
The Columbus Metropolitan Library Whetstone Branch is thrilled to host their first sensory story time Friday, February 2. Kris Hickey, Whetstone Youth Services manager, said that their families expressed a need and they’re happy to finally be able to fill it. “And the idea is that the story will be for families that find that traditional story time doesn't meet their needs.” These story times will be every Friday at 11 a.m. and limited to 10 families per session. “Hopefully a less overwhelming way for parents to connect that kind of thing.” To save your spot, call the Columbus Metropolitan Library (614) 645-2275 and ask to be signed up for Whetstone’s sensory story time.
This Saturday, February 3 also marks Take Your Child to the Library Day. All over the country libraries will be hosting activities for all ages. This is a great chance to explore the resources your library has to offer. Below are Ohio libraries taking part in the celebration and ones who have regular sensory-friendly activities or adaptive sensory spaces. Check your local library’s website to see what they have going on or visit TYCLD (takeyourchildtothelibrary.org) and take your child to the library.
Akron-Summit County Public Library
Provide sensory bags, weighted laptop pad and quiet zones regularly
Sensory Story Time every fourth Saturday from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Brownlee Woods Library
Columbus Metropolitan Library – Whetstone Branch
Upper Arlington Public Library