Giving Thanks Every Day
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Our Staff Shares What They are Thankful for
November is the season of gratitude and is a great time of year to think about what you’re thankful for. We asked some staff members to weigh in this year about who and what they’re grateful for and how they flex those gratitude muscles every day.
What are you thankful for?
Sarah Stevens, Clinic Director, SOAR/ELM Program (Worthington): This year, I am especially grateful for the health of my family near and far, to my husband, son and my new little one on the way! I am very thankful for all the love I have in my life whether it’s from family, friends and my dogs. I am thankful for my warm home, good books, puzzles, and hot tea!
Shonda Billingslea, Program Supervisor at Valley Belt Day Program (Cleveland): I am thankful for life, my family, friends, recent role change at work and the new learning experiences in my new role.
Charla Lanier, Administrative Assistant (West Carrollton): My life is truly blessed for the privilege to be able to help those in need whether it be my family, friends, co-workers and the people we serve at I Am Boundless. I am also thankful to learn new things that not only make my life better but for those around me no matter where I go.
Stephen Dargaj, Operations Manager (Cleveland): This year I am thankful for my health, my family and my progress in my personal and professional life.
Ashley Walker, Administrative Coordinator, Parent Directed Program (Worthington): The health and wellness of my family.
Bridgette Thornton, Program Administrator (West Carrollton): I am thankful to be alive, feeling well, and to have an awesome family at home and at work. I feel blessed to be able to share with everyone that God has kept me in his loving arms to be here with you today and I am grateful for everyday that I get to be here on earth doing what I do, which is to serve people. I am thankful for I Am Boundless; the existence of this company has made a difference in so many lives including the individuals we serve, our staff and families. I am thankful for Community Integration Services (CIS) and the growth we are experiencing as well as the blending of departments. I am thankful for all of my personal blessings I have received as well as the blessings we have received at the west campus. I am lastly thankful for the opportunity to share what I am thankful for this year!
Lori Lester, Fiscal Specialist, Parent Directed Program (Worthington): I'm very thankful for my family. My two grandsons are my world! (Baylor, 3-years-old and Tate, 10-months old).
How do you practice gratitude in your daily life?
Sarah Stevens: I try to pick one thing I am looking forward to each day to keep my spirits high and motivated. Generally, this tends to involve the people and things I have in my life that I am most thankful for as well.
Shonda Billingslea: I make sure I say thank you and show appreciation!
Charla Lanier: Since working at I Am Boundless, I am more prone to say "thank you" or give an encouraging word.
Stephen Dargaj: You have to practice gratitude or you'll lose sight of what's important in life. I often reflect on where I used to be and compare it to where I am now in life. It reminds me of my growth and gives me a sense of accomplishment. I try to reflect after each day, each week and as the seasons change. This process wasn't always a part of my thoughts. It took some falling down and failing in life for me to recognize the beauty in overcoming obstacles and reminding myself where I was and where I'm going.
Ashley Walker: I count my blessings.
Bridgette Thornton: I practice gratitude daily by starting my mornings with acknowledging God by thanking Him for waking me up. I watch Bill Winston, who is a Pastor from Chicago Il, each morning for inspiration, I look around and find something positive to reflect on at home and when I come to work my interactions with people are always filled with gratitude. I am truly thankful to be able to engage with everyone. Gratitude comes from finding the best part in/ from people which springs forth gratitude because you are seeking the best part instead of the worst part of people in life.
Lori Lester: Show appreciation. Returning a favor or good gesture. Making something for someone.
What staff members are you especially thankful you work with?
Sarah Stevens: I am especially thankful for each member of my team in the SOAR/ELM Program as I have stepped into this new Clinic Director Position. I am thankful for all my behavior technicians, treatment program coordinators, my teachers, speech therapist and my clinic coordinators. I am thankful for my fellow clinic directors and supervisors who support me and guide me as well. Thank you for all of your efforts and how far our team has come and all that we have accomplished together!
Shonda Billingslea: Kalleka Suber
Charla Lanier: I am thankful for all the staff I work with because each of us have our own unique talents that make our days enjoyable and efficient.
Stephen Dargaj: I am especially thankful for my Program Supervisor, Kalleka Suber. I owe her so much for always holding it down at the center. For almost a year we ran our program with one Program Supervisor. Our census at the center requires two Program Supervisors but with turnover, staff promotions and a lack of applicants, Kalleka has been handling all the responsibility on her own. She has gone above and beyond each day without a single complaint. Kalleka is a true team player and I am so grateful to have her on my team.
Ashley Walker: The whole PDP team.
Bridgette Thornton: I am thankful for the CIS team in general. However, we've had some challenges this year that resulted in positive outcomes and this was because of my awesome management team. In particular, Crystal Wiggins, Operations Manager has worn many hats this year in order to maintain legendary service at the west campus. I am also especially thankful to work with Lauri Livingston- Roberts who is an exceptional leader in our organization and has made the difference on our west campus.
Lori Lester: Charlotte Ellzy! She's amazing and SO helpful! The entire PDP team has been very welcoming!